Prose writers should submit one story, one longer-form essay, memoir, or immersive journalism (no more than 5000 words typically), or two shorter stories or essays (less than 2000 words).
Lyric writers should submit up to five poems or micro pieces, no more than ten pages.
Dramatic writers may submit scripts for 10-minute stage plays or short films, including TV. We will also consider publishing video of produced scripts.
Those writing for children and young adults may submit work in any of our categories: prose, lyric, drama. See guidelines in each area for specifics on length and content.
We welcome queries to review new books (no more than 2 years since publication) of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, hybrid and cross-genre forms, and writing for children and young adults. For queries, formatting requirements and a list of titles available for review, contact Book Reviews Editor Lynnell Edwards: ledwards02@spalding.edu. We are particularly interested in reviews of work that speaks to current social and environmental urgencies, as well as titles from independent and university presses. Reviewers should disclose (and preferably not have) conflicts of interests with the author or publisher, including reviewing works released by one’s own press or reviewing the work of a former or current student, mentor, friend, or colleague. Review essays of single (or occasionally multiple) titles should be 1000-1200 words. Capsule review essays of books of the same genre sharing a common element or theme feature three capsule reviews of 200-300 words each, preceded by a brief introduction.
Our submission period is open and ongoing. Please submit in the category where you think your work best fits. We allow simultaneous submissions, but please access your submission and withdraw it if it is accepted elsewhere. We do not consider previously published material or work currently in press elsewhere. Please do not submit entire book or chapbook manuscripts. Response time is up to four months. Current students at the Naslund-Mann School of Writing at Spalding University are not eligible to submit.