Issue Five
Kathleen Driskell
DeMisty Bellinger
Tony Crunk
Donald Quist
Simon Perchik
Jen Soong
Jonathan Weinert
Beth Williams
John Brooks
Willie Carver
Robert Fanning
Stacie Leatherman
Nathan Lipps
Book Reviews
Debra Kang Dean
K.L. Going
Lynette Lamp
Jimmy Long
Kathleen Driskell
Ellyn Lichvar
Lynnell Edwards
Katy Yocom
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Associate Editor/Book Review Editor
Associate Editor
Laura Johnsrude
McKenna Horsley
Josh Keim
Tyrel Kessinger
Sarah Ladd
Lauren Mulvihill
Kelsey Thomas
Melanie Weldon-Soiset
Assistant Book Review Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Issue Five
Kathleen Driskell
DeMisty Bellinger
Tony Crunk
Donald Quist
Simon Perchik
Jen Soong
Jonathan Weinert
Beth Williams
John Brooks
Willie Carver
Robert Fanning
Stacie Leatherman
Nathan Lipps
Debra Kang Dean
K.L. Going
Lynette Lamp
Jimmy Long
Kathleen Driskell
Ellyn Lichvar
Lynnell Edwards
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Associate Editor/Book Review Editor
Katy Yocom
Laura Johnsrude
McKenna Horsley
Josh Keim
Tyrel Kessinger
Sarah Ladd
Lauren Mulvihill
Kelsey Thomas
Melanie Weldon-Soiset
Assistant Book Review Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Student Editor
Issue Six
FALL 2023
Kathleen Driskell
Editor’s Note: Words about Issue 6, Good River Review, and the Shuttering of The Gettysburg Review
Michelle Barger
Laura Jeannerette
Kedrick Nettleton
S. Evan Stubblefield
Mika Yamamoto
Nadia Colburn
Rachel Custer
Liz Femi
Evelyn Gill
Ken Holland
James Miller
Richard Newman
Eric Pankey
Brynn Saito
Dakota Smith
Lynne Thompson
Nancy Woo
F. J. Hartland
Book Reviews
Katie Massa Kennedy